Why join H&S?
- Together we bridge the gap between home and school and enhance our children’s school experience and community through the events we host and services we provide.
- We are 100% volunteer run and not for profit.
- Our association promotes the involvement of parents, students, educators and the community at large in the advancement of learning and acts as a voice for parents.
- Your membership provides you with a vote for the decisions we make together and provides insurance coverage when you volunteer with us.
- $20 of the $25 fee goes to QFHSA-WHY?
- For more information on Beacon Hill's H&S, visit the About Us section.
- All volunteers are required to fill out a judicial record available at http://beaconhill.lbpsb.qc.ca/ in the Parents section.
- For more information on the Quebec Federation of Home & School Associations, please visit http://www.qfhsa.org/.
Thank you for supporting Beacon Hill Home & School Association. We appreciate your participation!
If you are a member at another school affiliated with QFHSA please contact us at BHhomeandschool@gmail.com